Every year we go to the same Christmas tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree. When I was a kid, we always had a fresh-cut tree, and one year as a teenager I decided to take my nieces and nephews with me to get one. I kinda-sorta knew the direction a few Christmas tree farms were but all the ones we found were closed and since I’d convinced my Sister-in-law to let me keep them home from school to make memories I was determined to find one. I just kept turning down country roads hoping to see some signs or something and looking back we were totally lost but we happened upon the best Christmas tree farm and that’s where Brandon and I have taken the boys to every year.
They have a big farm and you get to hitch a ride on a trailer behind a tractor that takes you around the farm to the Christmas trees, and then once you’ve found your tree and cut it down, you can get a ride back to the farm to buy it and take it home. There’s more tractors and old cars than any little boy could dream of and the people are just the sweetest. We look forward to going all year.
The boys were being so happy that we tried for an impromptu picture of them in the field. I figure it will be a long time before we get any where they’re all looking, and Sawyer has a busted lip but what’s the fun in only having perfect pictures anyways?
We took so long getting our tree and it got dark really fast. These winter sunsets come so early, but I loved the view on the ride back.
This picture will probably be one of my favorite pictures forever. Usually Rhett looks so chubby and big in pictures but this one captures exactly who he is- a little curly haired daddy’s boy. Perfect.
I loved your family pictures and appreciate you sharing your family time with everyone.