If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that our family did a little photoshoot with Chickfila a couple weeks ago. We were pretty excited because we LOVE Chick-fil-A, and they aren’t paying me to say that, we really do. When Brandon was deployed, the boys and I had a routine that once a week we’d eat lunch or dinner at Chick-fil-A. It was my break from cooking and they love the food and the playground.
The city we live in is a Chick-fil-A lover’s dream. We can drive to four different locations all on the golf cart. We also live just 20 minutes or less from Truett’s Luau (a Polynesian Chick-fil-A with a different menu, a vegetable garden they source from, and bunch of other cool things), Truett’s café (another special Chick-fil-A with some different menu items), and a DwarfHouse (a sit down Chick-fil-A that does buffet nights sometimes). It’s a pretty awesome place to live, and I’m not sure that my kids even know there are other fast-food options out there.
I don’t know how good of models we were, since Ford wanted to drink the Ketchup and Rhett likes to make some crazy faces, but we loved the set of pictures they sent! The boys loved that they got to drink as much lemonade as they wanted for these pictures and got cookies too. It was really fun, and all the Chick-fil-A employees who ran the photoshoot were SO nice (which is no surprise, I mean, that’s kind of Chick-fil-A’s thing).
I thought it was funny that so many of the pictures show Ford since he’s got that missing tooth right in the front. I guess they like his little gap.
Sawyer was great for the pictures, as usual. It’s amazing how much they grow up and mature in two years. He was really good at taking direction and doing what they asked, where as Rhett preferred making crazy faces when they told him to look haha. At least they got this good one-
If you don’t have a Chick-fil-A near you, you are missing out, it is the friendliest, best place to eat for busy families, and if you come to the Atlanta area, you need to check out some of the cool Chick-fil-A’s we have down here!
What great pictures, loved your story. Adorable family.
This is so fun that you guys got to do this! I would totally use these as Christmas card pictures 😉