Now that Brandon’s home, we keep having so many little reasons to go to Atlanta for a few minutes and make it into a few hours trip. I love being a stay at home mom, but when I’m back in the city, part of me does ache for the fun, busy life of Atlanta. After years of commuting into Downtown every day, I pride myself in my ability to get from one place to another in the city with no directions, and my ability to circumnavigate traffic and fly past other commuters. I miss the endless amount of new restaurants Atlanta has to offer, the colorful nightlife, and the history the city has. I miss nights at the Fox, walking the busy sidewalks to get to class, and the smell of developer in the darkroom (that is where I spent a large amount of my time while in the city).
All those things being said, it is nothing like getting to live in a small-town with my little family. I can get up in the morning, throw on workout clothes, and walk for miles with Sawyer in the stroller, stopping at little ponds and parks for him to play. We have tons of family within a ten miles radius, and I’m not afraid to leave my car unlocked (although I do), and I know all of my neighbors. We spend hours in our yard playing barefoot and rolling in the grass. I am so happy my little guy is growing up outside the city, but I love taking him to Atlanta to experience a little taste of city life. We headed up to Atlanta today and he got to go to Georgia State with us to get some things done, and run around the campus a little (he had shoes on when he was down). It’s fun taking a cute toddler on a college campus because they get lots of attention since there aren’t many kids there; I think we might have a little flirt on our hands, he kept smiling really big at all the girls passing by!
My Outfit:
Top: Billabong
Jeans: Ebay
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Headwrap c/o: Modern_85– They make awesome wraps and skirts for ladies and their littles all sold through their instagram page. Check them out and follow them @modern_85
Shoes: Rackroom Shoes
Sawyer’s Outfit:
Shirt: Target tee, with this pocket tee tutorial done to it
Shorts: Target
Move closer to me!!! I’m better than all of your reasons for small town living ๐