Reader Interactions


  1. Baby Shower in a Box is a great idea! My niece received something like this from her relatives when her son was born, but it wasn’t in such a pretty box as this. It did contain baby supplies and a gorgeous crocheted blanket!

  2. What a great baby shower gift this is. How I wish to have read this a month ago when my friend is throwing a baby shower. Anyway, I would surely remember this for the next event. I’ll be bookmarking this.

  3. What an adorable and clever gift idea. I bet she will love it too. Babies are so fun and making a sensible gift like this looks like fun putting it together. Love it.

  4. Wow, that is just a beautiful gift and so nice of you. She will be so happy and excited. I love it. It also gives me ideas for uping my game when I send packages.

  5. What a great gift. It’s nice to still be able to celebrate even when there are lots of miles in between you and the expectant couple. You did a great job, and now I’ll have to save this idea to put to good use.

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